Harmony - Earrings

Harmony - Earrings


The color wheel was invented in 1666 by Isaac Newton, who mapped the color spectrum onto a circle. The color wheel is the basis of color theory, because it shows the relationship between colors. Colors that look good together are called a color harmony.

Rainbow Calsilica is a controversial stone that is mined in Chihuahau Mexico. Photographic evidence shows us that there is a mine that exists and houses this rainbow material. The question is: Was the material put there naturally or is it man made?

Sid Williams, a world renowned mineralogist, analyzed the stone. Sid concluded that the stone is naturally occurring and that the green and blue colors come from a mineral called allophone clay. Our research has turned up a myth that states Rainbow Calsilica may be left over sedimentary layers from a century old tile cutting factory. Either way this stone is amazingly beautiful and limited in quantity as the mine will soon be extinct of mineral. Mohs 3-4.

Be in Harmony with yourself and your wardrobe with these colorful Rainbow Casilica, faceted Lapis and Thai Silver earrings.

Perfect Color Harmony!


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